The Life You Are Living

Chapter Eight continued; Dreams– 3


If you recall from last week, I spoke of how I went to bed after giving up on all my beliefs. When I woke, I thought I would be up for the day. I then fell back to sleep and had an experience like no other before. My adopted mom who passed away some time back visited with me. She told me how she and many on the other side were enjoying my weekly writings, especially the one entitled The Life You Are Living. This part of the experience took place in a dressing room.

After leaving the dressing room I entered a diner restaurant where I wrote on yellow lined paper.

At that moment, I fully woke for the day. Leaping out of bed I thanked God, the Universe, my adopted mom, spirit guides and angels for whatever it was that had just happened. To me it was a miracle.

Being so committed to getting my house ready to go on the market I had not been writing, painting, making fascinator hats, or creating much jewelry. Actually, I hadn’t even been recording my dream messages which is something unusual for me. But, for the first time in over a year, I honestly felt happy! The cloud hanging over my head might not have lifted in the way I had hoped, but spiritually it had left the building and I had a direction to pursue.

At that very moment I grabbed my computer and began my weekly blog.

Dreams are a funny thing. I’ve mentioned that there are moments where you have messages about the coming day, or a soon to be happening life experience. Messages can be pretty clear as in precognitive. My latest experience was beyond a mere dream and was other-worldly. This moment in time gave me a direction I knew deep inside was true guidance. Since that day I have shared this dream experience with a few people and each has told me they got chills. These are people who had not read my blog about how chills are a sign confirming something is true!

If you want to break this experience down as if it were simply a dream, let’s look at all the parts. I was in a dressing room without any clothes to try on…

What do you do in a dressing room? You change! This dreamlike experience became a moment of true change for me. I began writing again with a new sense of purpose.

The fact my friend was not inside the room and could not see or hear what was happening until I shared my description…

To me, this meant I ought to share my writings with others. Blogs and books are a proven method of sharing. Spending a lifetime of studying metaphysics gives me an understanding beyond what many have recently begun to research. I am not coming down from the mount as I have already stated, merely interested in sharing knowledge, studies, even trials as well as successes with whomever wants to read along.

Colors, well…

In the past I’ve taught classes on natural healing. Colors play a big part in healing and I will get more into it as a topic in a later chapter. For this dream, though… My adopted mom was glowing from the inside out in colors so vibrant words would only pale the vision. It was as if Della Reese was presenting herself as an angel from the television program Touched by an Angel. In an effort of association for today I will say that green is an overall healing color. The fact that my adopted mom and I hugged takes that color to a new level. Hugging is a heart connection. Combine that color with the action and you have a healing heart moment! Red can be a few different things. It can be power, anger, love, passion. Since the color was undefinable in normal life, I might suggest it was all of the fore mentioned. If so, then this radiant color of red brought in a great power that I was seeking. My frustration over not having answers shifted in that moment to love and passion.

When I left the dressing room I entered a diner restaurant where good sustaining food can be purchased by everyone, rich or poor. Yellow lined paper that was almost all full of words…

To me, yellow lined paper has always been composition paper. All the papers being full of words in the diner can mean that by writing I am filling a need for people of many different backgrounds. Writing this blog may or may not work into a book format (time will tell). I hope it will give many the opportunity to receive a crash course in understanding things that go bump in the night whether you are rich or poor, have studied metaphysics or not ever even heard the word.

Look at your dream messages closely, they do tell you things. Sometimes they are reflecting what has already happened that perhaps you could have chosen a different path for and had a different outcome. Some tell you to slow down. Some suggest you might miss the boat if you do not act now. Still others are giving guidance on what your next path might be.

My next path was given in a very realistic flash. Please don’t tell me this moment was not authentic, I won’t believe you. It felt and looked as real as my cat does sitting on my lap as I write. It’s still free will of whether or not you follow up on these messages or signs given. Even if you do not follow my beliefs, you get messages thrown at you in many different formats. Perhaps my writings will provide an opportunity to not miss them when they do come your way. How terrific it is when you know something happens that is real and you welcome it with open arms. Follow up on that lead given and it can prove out to be the wonder you had been craving!

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18Ky, 14Krose gold ring has yellow sapphires and a diamond in it. Most people see a butterfly in the filigree work. Yellow sapphires help you to stop moping and begin hoping! Diamonds, when smaller than other stones work to emphasize the healing properties of whatever colored stone. Butterflies begin as a ground based caterpillar that morphs into a beautiful, magical winged creature. Why not begin hoping to be more than you are right now? Dreams can and do help us to see possibilities!

This fun floor cloth has one fish and air bubbles painted into it. It measures 26.5” x 32.5”. Colors are periwinkle, yellow and gold. When you watch fish swim about, they are mesmerizing and dreamlike, especially their air bubbles.

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Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves available here


The Life You Are Living

Chapter Eight continued; Dreams – 2


Last week I mentioned I screamed at God, and I have on more than one occasion. Being a human involved with metaphysics does not make me some sort of saintly character. Frustration hits me just the same as anyone else. What might be different in my personal life is that I believe strongly that there are many things beyond what our human world sees, feels, understands and accepts. Belief in all these extrasensory things leaves me open to think I receive answers from dream messages about my day-to-day life choices.

I’m not Charlton Heston coming down from the mount folks! Merely one person trying to live the life given on this plane to do the best I can with all my beliefs intact.

If any lead is given to me by day or night in the way of psychic leads, I follow up on them often to no avail. Most people would have abandoned this unproven method of making life decisions, holding fast to my beliefs, I chose to continue on. Feeling mere fragments were coming through of what I ought to do, frustration lead to disappointment.

Begging for years for answers or leads as to what was next in my life I felt deserted constantly by my normal input.

As humans, we each have times in our lives where our story seems overwhelming emotionally, physically, spiritually. Placing one foot in front of another during these moments is the best you can do and hope for. But I was let down. My particular story of why I was searching so hard is not the important part here. What is vital to discuss is that I didn’t know what to do any longer. Despondent, I was certain I had wasted my life believing in what most people cannot see or hear. To say it’s a challenge to live outside the norm is a gross understatement! But, it was something I was willing to continue to do if only I could get some form of answers that actually lead me in a true path.

Speaking out loud as I got ready to climb into bed one night I told whatever powers around me that I was done. I was walking away feeling abandoned. At that moment, I gave up on all my gifts, my art as well as my ability to receive dream messages. I told God and the universe that they had given up on me, so I was doing the same. No longer would I pay attention to my dream messages or silent pokes in certain directions that lead nowhere in the end. I was finished asking for their help and guidance. Simply, I was going to desert every belief I had held dear for most of my life.

Perhaps at that moment I let go and let God as they say.

What happened next was something very surprising, at least to me.

Many full-on color dreams come to me every night. Total and or partial recall of these dreams is also usual. This one night was no different. However, what happened in the morning was different. I got up for a bathroom run at 4am certain I would be awake for the day but climbed back into bed for a moment and amazingly fell right back to sleep. It felt like a normal dream at first, and then…

I was with my best friend in a clothing store dressing room. Funny thing, neither of us had any clothing to try on. She stood in the doorway and I was inside the room. Turning slightly to my right I saw her dear departed mother in full color and body form. In life, she had different shades of red hair depending upon her mood and the dye of the moment. Normally, when I see spirits they are a bit cloud-like and transparent. They have color, but are see-through. This woman, at this moment, looked and felt very human and was utterly radiant! Standing in front of me now she had a beautiful, full head of glowing red hair, the likes of which I have never seen before. Her dress was a vibrant green color. She had on jewelry, but somehow it wasn’t important. Excitement rushed over me as I leapt forward to hug her. Sincerely, I have never hugged a spirit until that moment. It was delightful! She hugged me back. She didn’t feel like a spirit, she felt human. As we hugged, it was a true heart connection. Something you feel, that goes through you and fills you up at the same time. We exchanged words as my friend stood by wondering just who or what I was conversing with. Surprised she couldn’t see her mother I shot a look to my adopted mom and received an immediate answer as if I had spoken the words out loud. I was told no, my friend could not see her own mother, nor could she hear our conversation. This moment was for me alone and that her time would come later. I shared what I could as it was happening with my friend along with my sheer delight in seeing this beloved woman in full body once again.

Basking in this unusual experience, you could have knocked me over with a feather if I had not already been laying on my bed when I was suddenly given some of the direction I had been begging for for so long. My adopted mother told me that she and many others on the other side were enjoying my weekly writings, especially the one entitled “The Life You Are Living”.

Even in this dream phase I felt what she said was true, and yet I also knew I had not begun to write these essays yet.

Turning to my friend I began to tell her what was just spoken. Glancing again to our mom, I found she was no longer there. Feeling no sadness over her sudden departure my friend and I walked out of the dressing room to find ourselves in a diner type of restaurant. (Gotta love dreams!) Quickly I approached a waitress to ask for a piece of paper to write on. Interestingly enough she had a clipboard filled with yellow lined papers untidily stacked up and all were full of words. Searching, I did find a small clear space at some point and wrote down the words The Life You Are Living.

I woke.

Next week tune in to get the breakdown of this experience!

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Dragonflies represent many things to many people. To me, they show us how something can miraculously walk on water. I don’t wish to do so myself, but I find their iridescent wings magical and a forerunner of good things to come. This 2” across dragonfly pendant is made in 14Kw/y gold with a glorious black fresh water pearl drop. Black pearls bring a wealth of understanding. Decipher what is important for today, and your world expands. This pendant can provide a wealth of knowledge with hope.

Falling asleep and waking to this bright painting of magical dragonflies and lady bugs at least helps to place me in a hopeful mindset before I have to face the day. It measures two feet by four feet, something you can easily see before sleep as well as upon waking.

black fresh water pearl< Go to

Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves available here

The Life You Are Living

Chapter Eight; Dreams 1     Feeling dreams are extremely important, this chapter will be continued for a few weeks in my blog.


Dreams and dream messages have been mentioned a few times already, and something I feel is an integral part of my daily life and decision making. It’s time to break it down for you before intimidation sets in.

I have been interested in dreams since early childhood, along with finding stones in the back yard, creating jewelry, painting, and of course GHOSTS! But my dreams have taken on a gargantuan proportion in my every-day world for over fifty years.

There was a time when I recalled part of a dream in the morning and found it interesting. In a college English class I began to take my study of dreams to a new level. There I was taught how to record dreams to begin to have more recall than mere fragments. Have paper and pen next to your bed every night. When you wake for whatever reason (usually for me it’s to pee), before you leave the bed write down a word or two of what you were dreaming. In the morning look at those words and normally fragments will turn into something more. In time, you will have more and more recall of what happened during your sleep-time.

Utilize dream book definitions and you can have many years of somewhat confusing dream messages. I speak from experience. Other people’s dream symbol interpretations are just that… other peoples. The best thing to do is to ask yourself this; what do the symbols portrayed in your dreams mean to you? After all, you are the one getting the dream, so it must be trying to give you a message. Understanding this took years for me. To this day, I still receive messages that utilize some of the symbols out of a dream book I referred to for over thirty years. I can usually interpret friends dreams very quickly. As a matter of fact, I get calls to do just that and am happy to do so when possible. But seeing my own interpretations is often such a challenge.

We stand in our own way!

Dreams are one way of communicating with God, angels, spirit guides, and especially our higher self. Okay, a new term for many. Your higher self, according to the metaphysical world, is a spiritual being who is your twin self that never sleeps. The connection is psychic. It’s your soul consciousness helping you be a better you. They, along with God, spirit guides and angels try to guide us. By steering us in certain directions the right job opportunity, or the new best friend, or perhaps even the right life mate might come forth.

Many years back while searching for answers, I kept psychically asking for guidance. While sitting in a chiropractors’ waiting room I began to read a magazine on the table. Flipping, I found an article that felt like it had been written just for me! Turning back to the cover, I wanted to make sure that once I left the office I could purchase the magazine to have that article all for myself only to find the magazine was three years old. Who put that magazine in my path that day? Why was I in the waiting room for that long when normally I was admitted immediately? I believe it was my higher self, placing the answer in front of me to what I had been begging for. Dreams do that as well.

Our minds do not shut down on us, we shut down on them. Our subconscious works all night to give us answers to things we have been asking for. These are our messages from the great beyond! Some dreams are specific, as in pre-cognitive where you are told certain things as a direct order if-you-will of what will happen today. Some dreams are suggesting you did something right, or wrong. Still other dreams can be mere wisps of clouds that give you a possibility.

We always have free will.

Pay attention or not, it’s always up to you.

People often tell me they do not dream. Inwardly I disagree but usually say okay outwardly.

Other people tell me they have deja` vus happen and don’t understand where those experiences come from. To those people I usually chuckle and tell them it’s their own way of getting direction instead of by night dreams.

Maybe someone comes up to you out of the blue and makes a statement that rings familiar inwardly. Call it a happy coincidence, and though that is not a night dream it certainly gave insight that seemingly came from the great beyond!

Even day dreams are a form of letting the outside in. Relax the mind in any way, meditate even and secret guidance can and does often come forth. Relish!

Back in that place of the unknown, over the past few years I have begged for answers and guidance. Certain the universe was not listening I fell into an old habit of screaming at God. Yes, I had dream messages…  (to be continued)

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This wonderful “Leaf and Vine” style half circle pin is created in 14Ky/gr/w/r gold with blue sapphire and diamonds. Leaf and vine is a design I came up with years back to represent how we are always growing, dying back a bit, only to spring up once again to learn about life. Diamonds, when smaller than another colored stone, magnify the energy of that other stone, in this case blue sapphire. Blue sapphires give the intuitive part of your brain permission to open. Something necessary for good dream messages to come through!

Connection with the wonderful color of blue sapphire, add in a touch of green and have this terrific fascinator hat that can be worn in both winter and summer. I ask you, who doesn’t love a bit of plumage on their heads?

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Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves available here


The Life You Are Living

Chapter Four; Stone Whispering


People wonder how an artist comes up with ideas, inspirations. Speaking for myself, designs come into my head all the time, even when I sleep. Age gets me up to pee where I ponder dreams and designs. Some nights when I wake my sketchbook comes out to draw these thoughts before sleep will revisit. Stones speak to me on secret levels, even when I simply look at them.

I am what some people term a sensitive as well as an empath. Descriptive words for someone who knows things but does not know why, and feels what others do, though thankfully not twenty-four hours a day. All this carries over to my work with stones. Either I am a sensitive and an empath, or I’m nuts, something I have seriously pondered on and off over the course of my life.

In a quiet interaction, stones communicate how they want to be set. I feel, and receive clear visions of finished pieces of jewelry in my mind. Often when creating what I had envisioned, a shift happened. Years back I fought that change certain I had to make what I had first seen as a finished object. One day I understood that as I work on a piece, things may shift for good reason from my original idea.

Perhaps it’s a better design than the original.

Maybe it’ll be more secure for the person tough on their jewelry who purchases it.

Trust is at the core during these moments. Praying is also key.

Yes, I pray over my work as it happens. No, I am not religious. I am spiritual. As previously stated, I believe in many things and at the base is continuous life. Often when I am concentrated on my work, I see spirits. They pop in to see what I’m working on. Some want something specific but mostly it’s to check-in if you will. They remind me of the connection between this world and the next, and I do remind myself at these times to pray if I haven’t been doing so.

I pray that the right person will be connected to the finished product.

Sometimes I beg for assistance as something turns out to be more difficult than I thought it would be.

Mostly, I pray that the connection between the piece and I is true and that I do the best job I can.

While I pray, my mind works on perhaps three levels simultaneously. One part connects my hands with my eyes in a mechanical way. Another part of my brain wanders to see what could be the next move forward. Lastly, there is a part of me that feels the connection between metal and stone. That connection is something I can only try to describe, and something people kindly term as being a stone whisperer.

My mind sort of steps to one side. I am in a bit of an altered state then. In a college painting studio that happened often when I was unsure of how to finish my latest work. My hands and eyes did not feel like mine alone. I was there, but somehow softer, fuzzier. Coming out of such moments I knew the painting was done. I never understood how I did what I did to complete the work, and always attributed it to other energies. This happens when making jewelry too, only I do know and understand how something happens because largely it is mechanical.

You measure and cut out metal.

You anneal it, or make it pliable.

You shape it, and make it pliable once again or many times more.

I solder to keep different parts together, and eventually mount stones.

For me, all pieces begin and end with stones. Seeing the mechanical side of how I need to get from unmounted stone to finished product becomes the sort of A to Z element. The in-between is where I kind of step to one side and let both my knowledge of how to mechanically make something work, connect with my spiritual side of how something ought to shift from the original idea.  Polishing comes before and after I set the stones. The final polish reveals the “yes” moment where you know your design is complete, and it’s ready to move on to its new home.

Clients see magic in my jewelry and often ask if I have difficulty parting with my creations?

I answer this way…

Creating jewelry, or any art for that matter is like giving birth to a child, someone you love and watch grow into the person who leaves home for any number of reasons. You did what you could to push that infant out of the nest to now have a life of its own. I love my work and feel I am the parent who brought up the creation so it could leave home and exist for you!

A client once said he appreciated my coloring outside the lines.

Have to admit at first I wasn’t sure how to take that, but here goes… I mainly work freehand while creating a piece. That means I use hand-held tools to keep things in place. It becomes a balancing act between how steady my hands are and if the torch is cooperating. Jewelry making today has become more machine oriented with the use of lasers, cad cams, die striking and casting methods for those who care to be very efficient. Forming something with the strength of my hands means I feel the metal move and often fight back.

For the most part, we all have imperfect vision. Our hands nor eyes line up exactly. No matter how much measuring I did in the past things would go bump and then looked off kilt. Eventually, relaxing with my process of creation, I became very friendly with asymmetry. My open arm embrace of such imperfection became some of what people sought me out for.

That outside the lines client loved how my work didn’t line up exactly, and how I placed stones outside the core metal design. Once I understood his statement I replied that stones don’t always like to be in the center which will cause the eye to look the piece over more closely.

It’s entertaining to watch people stare while rings dance on my moving hands when engrossed in conversation as they might observe a bee in flight. Now that is magic! Being a sensitive, empath and stone whisperer doesn’t mean I can’t have fun!

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How about the wonders of Labradorite? Natural varying colors inherent in this wonderful stone work to help you go for the rainbows in life which can assist in getting you through any difficult places within your mind.

Fascinator hats are literally fascinating! They capture your attention much the same as beautiful jewelry does. Here, the fascinator has a plethora of color and moving feathers dancing about your head just like a rainbow can.

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Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves available here

The Life You Are Living

Chapter Three; Karma



Last week I mentioned the word Karma. People toss this word about lightly today when in fact it is a very important word in metaphysics.

As an example, look at how angry people make you when you drive somewhere.

Do you yell at them from inside your vehicle?

Do you throw them the bird?

Do you experience actual road rage where you get out of your car at a stop light and go up to their car to say how they’ve done you wrong?

Well, the road of life is much the same as the street your car travels on. If you scream at others, you normally have been screamed at. Did you steal from someone, some business or restaurant? If so, then at some point you will be robbed yourself. This is the most simplistic definition of karma, the eastern Indian word for the destiny you earn due to your actions and behavior. Unfortunately, what might be returned to you can be in a much heavier dose than you feel you deserve, but then… maybe you need it to be intense in order to get the point.

There have been many times in my life where this boomerang effect of karma has kicked me in the butt. Traffic is one of them!

Living in a tourist town where I have also had my goldsmith business for more than forty-five years, there have been countless times where I felt anger over not being able to get through a crowded street with haste either on foot or in a car. I’m not proud to admit I have yelled out of frustration.

Interestingly enough, my business was not built on the tourist trade but rather locals, and that is some of my karma.

Having anger at tourists for traffic clogs meant I did not reap many rewards in business early on from their visiting my town. There was a moment where I thought about moving away because of my frustration with traffic. Stupid me! It took years to find a balance inwardly for this misplaced anger. Thankfully, I have a lot of patience for tourists today. After all, I didn’t know my way when I first moved here with all the narrow one-way streets, why would an out-of-towner know their way? Even with GPS going you cannot always see your way beyond the clogged streets. Also, I moved to this town because I liked it here, why wouldn’t others feel the same way for a day, a week or longer? In fact, I now realize tourists and I have something in common. We all like it here!

Not being an angel, there are still moments when I get frustrated over traffic, however, I don’t yell now. Instead, during busy times I use backroads, and if I choose to drive into a traffic oriented area this day, at this moment, it’s on my head. I take responsibility for being in a particular place at a certain time. It’s not anyone elses fault if I cannot make it through a street quickly if I chose to drive that way.

Karma can show how you have treated others and equally, how you do not wish to be treated. If you don’t like what you are receiving, then look at what you have dished out in the past. Recognize it. Make some internal shift, and then hopefully you can move out of that particular Karmic Hell. As a continuation from last week, this is not advice, it’s an opinion. I am still learning about karma in all aspects of my life! One aspect in particular is how karma can get you from one life to another. Yes, it can follow you if it has not been dealt with properly. Yikes!

Moving on, you’ll note that I include a stone, a painting, and perhaps a fascinator hat at the close of each blog. The reason is simply that I find stones, and color to be healing. Years back I discovered there were moments I knew that if I chose to work on a certain stone, something would go wrong.

After many tests along that line, I began a search for answers outside myself to no avail. This was a time before books were in print on such a topic. I worked with meditation and channeling to discover hidden healing properties in different stones. Slowly, I tested the given messages out on myself, and then on my willing clients. Over the course of twenty plus years, these given properties are ready for print and will be available soon in my book titled Stone Magic.

Many stones have a common title such as sapphire and yet, there are lots of different colors that fall into that category name. Interestingly, each color gives a different level of healing. My book lists the A-Z definition of stones I feel are important for today, or will soon be. Perhaps that’s why I became a stone whisperer in this life, so I could provide an opportunity for all to feel what I do when wearing stones.


If life is handing you one bump after another, then perhaps Bone is the proper organic substance to use. Bone helps to absorb shock to the system.

This wedding fascinator reminds us of how gentle bone colors can be on such a special day. Silk rose top floral leads down into felt hearts, an over the eyes veil, as well as a trailing veil that goes over the shoulders and down the back.

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Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves available here

The Life You Are Living

Chapter Two; Psychic Mirrors


Living as I do in a world where art is a core existence and metaphysics is a mainstay, I would like to share some of my experiences each week on how I choose to look at myself, and where I exist. Please do not feel that I am in any way suggesting you have to shift who you are at any given moment because being different from one another is what makes us humans so wonderful. Wonder is the core word, and worth repeating. Though I use the words “we” and “you” often in my blogs, I am not asking people to change, I am simply offering others a chance to see what my life is like, how I get through a day maybe, or over an obstacle. If it helps someone, that’s a good thing. If it makes you laugh, even better!

In my first blog, I mentioned holding up a psychic mirror to look into…

This happens all the time in life. Friends, family, work mates, even complete strangers offer opportunities to see something inwardly we have been ignoring that needs a second, third, or many looks to help us grow emotionally, psychologically, physically, psychically, or however. Previously stated, I believe we are in school while we are here on this plane, so why not make the most of it and learn something new about yourself?

We have become such a me oriented society. Some of this me orientation is a good thing. Paying too much attention makes you a self-centered person and someone that most people don’t want to spend time with. As humans, we do all have flaws. Please note folks, it’s exhausting being around perfection. However, when you look inward to see possible flaws, admit you are working something out, you become a person others want to be around and what follows can be a learning experience.

As an example, when you admit you are going through something, people often offer up advice. You might hate the advice given. You might not appreciate the person giving the advice. At first you blame them for not understanding you. Usually though, when someone offers advice it’s because you are close enough for that person to feel comfortable in making suggestions, and after all, advice is really a suggestion. And… if you didn’t know they were coming from a place of love, your hand would automatically go for their throat to squeeze.

Using a psychic mirror works this way…

When someone says something and you don’t like how it feels deep inside. At first it eats away at you for whatever reason. Suddenly, you realize that the words spoken have truth to them, and were not said out of malice. You’re then ready to get beyond the emotion of the moment. You look inward to see how you may have done exactly what was just dished out to you. (Someone does to you what you have done to others, is karma. A simplified version maybe, but we’ll get into that next week.) Depending upon what you’re looking at, this can be a gut-wrenching experience, and it’s usually not fun, but it can be if you stop for a moment and say, “This is a school exam that I can choose to flunk, or, I can put in the work to pass and maybe even get an A.”

My mirror this week has been about giving advice. I’m not sure why I dish it out so often, but I do. Perhaps listening with my mouth shut is too easy? I felt certain that once I looked at this element inside of me I would most certainly go through a new doorway and see that vista on the other side.

After finishing this blog, or so I thought, a friend called who listened to my latest written words and then told me of her decorating dilemmas. Almost immediately I began to give my thoughts (or advice) of what I thought she could do to the space in question. Suddenly I burst out into laughter and shared with her how I couldn’t help myself from giving advice! We both had a good laugh, and then I asked her if there was anything I could do to assist?

Growth isn’t necessarily complete when you realize something, but at least it’s now recognizable. Learning is constant for me, and a psychic mirror can be and is a good opportunity for inner growth.



Rose Quartz is all about self-love and not in a selfish, self-centered way. Love your inner workings, the good, the bad, and the ugly truth, because from all these elements comes the you, you are today.

There is a similarity in healing between pink pearls (last week) and rose quartz. To understand the subtle differences, you’ll be able to refer to my upcoming book titled Stone Magic. It will give an A to Z breakdown of healing stone properties.

The color pink also associates with self-love. Why not get a pink fascinator to see how others tune into your positive energy?

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Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves available here