The Life You Are Living

Chapter Eight; Dreams 1     Feeling dreams are extremely important, this chapter will be continued for a few weeks in my blog.


Dreams and dream messages have been mentioned a few times already, and something I feel is an integral part of my daily life and decision making. It’s time to break it down for you before intimidation sets in.

I have been interested in dreams since early childhood, along with finding stones in the back yard, creating jewelry, painting, and of course GHOSTS! But my dreams have taken on a gargantuan proportion in my every-day world for over fifty years.

There was a time when I recalled part of a dream in the morning and found it interesting. In a college English class I began to take my study of dreams to a new level. There I was taught how to record dreams to begin to have more recall than mere fragments. Have paper and pen next to your bed every night. When you wake for whatever reason (usually for me it’s to pee), before you leave the bed write down a word or two of what you were dreaming. In the morning look at those words and normally fragments will turn into something more. In time, you will have more and more recall of what happened during your sleep-time.

Utilize dream book definitions and you can have many years of somewhat confusing dream messages. I speak from experience. Other people’s dream symbol interpretations are just that… other peoples. The best thing to do is to ask yourself this; what do the symbols portrayed in your dreams mean to you? After all, you are the one getting the dream, so it must be trying to give you a message. Understanding this took years for me. To this day, I still receive messages that utilize some of the symbols out of a dream book I referred to for over thirty years. I can usually interpret friends dreams very quickly. As a matter of fact, I get calls to do just that and am happy to do so when possible. But seeing my own interpretations is often such a challenge.

We stand in our own way!

Dreams are one way of communicating with God, angels, spirit guides, and especially our higher self. Okay, a new term for many. Your higher self, according to the metaphysical world, is a spiritual being who is your twin self that never sleeps. The connection is psychic. It’s your soul consciousness helping you be a better you. They, along with God, spirit guides and angels try to guide us. By steering us in certain directions the right job opportunity, or the new best friend, or perhaps even the right life mate might come forth.

Many years back while searching for answers, I kept psychically asking for guidance. While sitting in a chiropractors’ waiting room I began to read a magazine on the table. Flipping, I found an article that felt like it had been written just for me! Turning back to the cover, I wanted to make sure that once I left the office I could purchase the magazine to have that article all for myself only to find the magazine was three years old. Who put that magazine in my path that day? Why was I in the waiting room for that long when normally I was admitted immediately? I believe it was my higher self, placing the answer in front of me to what I had been begging for. Dreams do that as well.

Our minds do not shut down on us, we shut down on them. Our subconscious works all night to give us answers to things we have been asking for. These are our messages from the great beyond! Some dreams are specific, as in pre-cognitive where you are told certain things as a direct order if-you-will of what will happen today. Some dreams are suggesting you did something right, or wrong. Still other dreams can be mere wisps of clouds that give you a possibility.

We always have free will.

Pay attention or not, it’s always up to you.

People often tell me they do not dream. Inwardly I disagree but usually say okay outwardly.

Other people tell me they have deja` vus happen and don’t understand where those experiences come from. To those people I usually chuckle and tell them it’s their own way of getting direction instead of by night dreams.

Maybe someone comes up to you out of the blue and makes a statement that rings familiar inwardly. Call it a happy coincidence, and though that is not a night dream it certainly gave insight that seemingly came from the great beyond!

Even day dreams are a form of letting the outside in. Relax the mind in any way, meditate even and secret guidance can and does often come forth. Relish!

Back in that place of the unknown, over the past few years I have begged for answers and guidance. Certain the universe was not listening I fell into an old habit of screaming at God. Yes, I had dream messages…  (to be continued)

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This wonderful “Leaf and Vine” style half circle pin is created in 14Ky/gr/w/r gold with blue sapphire and diamonds. Leaf and vine is a design I came up with years back to represent how we are always growing, dying back a bit, only to spring up once again to learn about life. Diamonds, when smaller than another colored stone, magnify the energy of that other stone, in this case blue sapphire. Blue sapphires give the intuitive part of your brain permission to open. Something necessary for good dream messages to come through!

Connection with the wonderful color of blue sapphire, add in a touch of green and have this terrific fascinator hat that can be worn in both winter and summer. I ask you, who doesn’t love a bit of plumage on their heads?

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Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves available here


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