The Life You Are Living

Chapter 13: Procrastination

PROCRASTINATION! It’s a big word for something that humans do either occasionally or all the time.

Do you admit who you are, or kid yourself that you never do such a thing?

Sorry to say this if you don’t know it, but you do procrastinate! It may be something simple like, taking the trash out, or washing your hair. Work or relationship issues are big areas where we let the element of time slip through our fingers.

Why do we do it is the big question?

It can be a form of laziness.

It can be fear of failure.

It could be some type of malfunction in our brain cells that tells us to do nothing when we ought to be doing something!

For me… I tend to procrastinate when I am feeling pressure to do something by others, or even when I feel I should be getting ahead in some project or other when I really need to take a break.

Peer pressure is a tough thing to get beyond, and work situations push us to be more, to do more, to get going immediately if not sooner. Yet, sometimes we need to take a break from the actual doing and sit with our thoughts first.

I’m not suggesting that procrastination is proper all the time because it’s not. But occasionally, we do need a moment for breathing space in order to examine what direction to take to get whatever done. In that free time, we go over the proposed action and project from different tacks of what’s possible in order to get to our end goal. It might be viewed as slacking when you procrastinate at work. Though I’ve read about companies that feel you would be more productive if you had some time to think, play a game, work out, or take a nap even.

When you are self-employed you answer to a tough task master. If you weren’t difficult about your own accomplishments, you wouldn’t be in business long.

So, what does this boil down to?

As individuals, we must each decide if our level of procrastination is correct, healthy, or a way to avoid something we just don’t want to do.

Spiritually speaking, I feel we need to face our stuff, be it some fear, something we know we ought not to have done and need to make amends for, and even procrastination.

Interestingly enough, when we come at procrastination from a spiritual level the universe has an incredible amount of patience. It’s not that you can get away with anything, that is if you believe in continuous life, because if you never accomplish anything you set out to do in this life it will come back at you in the next go ‘round.

I kept telling myself I would give up sugar. Every day I said I would do it, and could do it, but then didn’t. When you do not accomplish things like this it works against your core emotional level and wears you down to the point where you think you cannot do whatever you want.

When you do face up to whatever is holding you back you find it wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be. You wonder why you didn’t let it go much earlier?

Simply put, you were not ready on some plane to do whatever. Maybe next time you have a serious attack of procrastination you could ponder having to face this very thing in your next life. This one thought usually gets me up and back in the race rather quickly. The life I am living has had many terrific things, and, many equally challenging things to get through, beyond or over. I do not want to face these difficulties ever again in this or any other life! But, there are times when procrastination is healthy because it allows you to rest and come back at your problem with renewed energy. That energy can be exactly what you need to get over the hump you’ve been dreading. When dread turns into joy of accomplishment, that is a wow moment!

Am I saying procrastination is a good thing?

Sometimes, yes. All the time, no.

Only as an individual can you decide how much procrastination works for you to get the job, whatever that might be, done.

We have all seen flower buds develop and just when they are about to burst open into all the glory they can be, they wither, rot, and drop off into nothingness. Procrastination can bring that same kind of energy if you allow it to hang on too long. Discover the full floral fascinator you can be by spending a bit of time procrastinating, and then opening up to what life has to offer you! See what getting beyond procrastination can bring in… My latest book took a lot of work, cross referencing, testing, and yes, procrastination. I’m pleased as punch that it is now available. Stone Magic gives healing properties of stones I have channeled in an alphabetic format. You can click on the link below for either my web site, or my Amazon page to be connected and buy if interested. Thanks!

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Candace is also the author of the well-received The Crystal Caves, and now, Stone Magic available HERE

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